Task 14 : Narrative Text Listening and Speaking

1. Video Narative Text / Storytelling 


In a warm, Sunday summer day, a swarm of ants is trying to gather food.
Queen ants realized that they are not enough food to face the winter.
"We have to find a lot of food because our food is not enough". 
Elsewhere, a Grasshopper is just busy playing his favorite violin, while singing and dancing. 
That's what grasshopper does almost every day.
He didn't think of doing other activities such as walking or preparing to collect winter supplies.
In fact, he didn't know that summer was coming to end.
The carefree summer will give way to winter, when it will snow and the temperature will be very low and food will be hard to find.
When the grasshopper was playing his violin on a tree branch, he saw an ant passing by carrying a heavy lot in his back.
The ant is moving food, 10 times its weight on its back to store it for winter supplies.
The grasshopper asked the ants to join him in singing and playing.
"Hey ants!" "Why don't you leave some food and join me singing here". "Let's enjoy the sunny day!"
"I would, but sorry. I have to move this food to my nest for winter supplies." "Why don't you do the same?"
"Ahh, winner is still far away. I can do some food supplies tomorrow", said the grasshopper.
Ant keep moving their food.
And come back for another move that time.
He know winter was almost here.
And he had together as much food as he could for the winter, he didn't know how long it would last.
However, the grasshopper continued to sing and play the violin.
Unexpectedly summer ended much earlier than usual.
The grasshopper panic.
He did not have enough food for winter supplies.
And it was to lay together food since the storm has started growling.
The grasshopper then goes to the anthill to ask for help.
"Hey ant! Can you let me in?" "Winter has indeed come sooner than I expected." "I haven't gathered my food supplies yet." "Would you mind sharing some food with me?" 
"Sorry grasshopper, I can let you in." "My nest is too narrow for you and my food supply is just enough for me and my family. " 
"Please let me in, Ant. You are my best friend, aren't you?"
"I'm sorry, I can't." "If you just listen to what I said earlier to quickly gather your winter supplies." "You won't suffer this winter."
The grasshopper finally left the ant nest with regret and sadness.
Inwardly he measure, "If only i followed the advice of the ants to gather food, and didn't play and sing all day long. I would not suffer this winter."

2. Question:
a. What is the title of the text?
=> The Ant and The Grasshopper.

b. How many characters are there in story? (Mention!)
=> There are 2 characters in the story.

c. Who is the main character?
=> The Ant and The Grasshopper.

d. What problem or conflict does the main character experience?
=> The problem is when winter is coming and supplies for the winter must be gathered immediately.

e. What does the main character (or other characters) do to cause the problem?
=> The grasshopper did not collect supplies for the winter so he felt hungry when winter came.

f. What does the main character (or other characters) do to resolve the problem?
=> The ants immediately gather supplies for the winter, so they don't feel hungry when winter comes.

g. How are the characters affected by the incident or the experience?
=> Because of the trivial nature of something, such as grasshoppers not immediately gathering supplies for the winter.

h. How does the main character change in the end?
=> The ants enjoy the supplies they gathered during the summer, while the grasshoppers are hungry.

i. What can we learn from this story?
=> We have to learn from the ants, to prepare everything when tests or new problems arise. Not like grasshoppers who feel trivial because new problems have not yet emerged.

j. If you were in the position of the main character, what would you do?
=> If I were in the position of a grasshopper, I would obey the ant's invitation to join in collecting supplies so that later I wouldn't feel hungry.

3. Glosarium:
a. Grasshopper = Belalang
b. The carefree summer = Musim panas yang ruang
c. Tree branch = Cabang pohon
d. Winter supplies = Persediaan musim dingin
e. Ant nest = Sarang semut 
f. Unexpectedly = Tiba-tiba
g. Growling = Menggeram
h. Gathered = Berkumpul/mengumpulkan
i. Suffer = Menderita
j. Inwardly = Di dalam hati



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